
Thursday, March 17th 2022

I don’t see how the ppl will just accept this as their new reality. There has to be civil unrest.

Very few people have any economic power or even economic security. There is socialized medicine but the doctors are brutal. People don’t have anything but to go to work and they are frightened of losing their job more than anything. The place is completely under control and you can get arrested for protesting or even meeting in a group outside and seeming to talk about political things. The word control and the word нельзя are installed at birth and women make sure that their children never have an independent thought a day in their lives. Ask your parents what it was like. It’s never changed.

– from a conversation with a child of Ukrainian immigrants

Well, it’s about 6:30 and I am thinking about the possibility of perhaps considering getting up. I have a lot to do but in a way, almost all of my responsibilities have been taken care of. I think bureaucratically, I maybe only have one deal that needs to get taken care of. Everything else is moving on its own and the only thing I have to do is open up the gate and move a couple of piles of grass. This is for when the horse cart comes. 

Today, by the way, is Purim.

Purim is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an official of the Achaemenid Empire who was planning to have all of Persia’s Jewish subjects killed, as recounted in the Book of Esther. Haman was the royal vizier to Persian king Ahasuerus. Wikipedia

It is a feast day but that doesn’t really describe it. Today is the traditional Jewish drunk day. In fact, it’s seen as somewhat of a mitzvah, a good deed, to drink to the point that you just don’t know any better.

You are free to call me a sour puss if you want. I have no plans to do any drinking today. I know that this is wrong on so many levels. I just met with some people in the Jewish community, there are boatloads of ukrainians hanging out in absolute misery and probably thankful for a festive day, my ex-girlfriend is happily a lush and I’m living in a country where alcoholism is basically taught to all children by their mothers and fathers and Friends as being the be all and end all of adulthood. But I really, really, really don’t like drinking alcohol.

I am as serious about this as can be. Drinking alcohol just makes me sick. I don’t particularly enjoy being drunk, I do not enjoy drunk conversation, I don’t like being around other people who are drunk and I hate having alcohol in my system the next day and however many days after that. I just can’t stand alcohol anymore.

Given the opportunity, I would happily get high with all of these people. But unfortunately, and this misfortune comes hand in hand with the stupidest generation of the stupidest people in the history of people, you can get arrested for marijuana almost as easily as you can get arrested for political protest. It is нельзя. 

So Baruch Hashem, praise God / nature, I am going to let this one go.

I had a female friend advise me that I was making a great mistake with my life. Females love opportunities to tell people that they are making great mistakes with their lives. I suppose the only way to prevent a female from telling you that you’re making a great mistake with your life is to have her on the payroll. Then she will have some security in her life and she can tell other people that they are making mistakes in their lives and leave you alone. 

What she told me though was that I was not doing anything to be remembered. I don’t actually know what she’s talking about. I look around at my life and I believe that I’ve done a remarkable amount of things to be remembered. I just don’t do Instagram things to be remembered and I guess this is my biggest sin.

I’ve said this a few thousand times already, but looking at this through a vegan lens, what I see is that people are obsessed with meat which I see as a drug even worse than alcohol. I think meat addiction is more responsible for the hysteria and problems of the planet than all other drugs put together.

My theory is that if you eat meat regularly, your eyes are drawn to flesh in a visceral way that does not happen when you do not consume it. When you eat plants, you gain an intimate relationship with nature. I’m talking about the trees, the wind, the Sun and the water. When you eat meat, you just focus on the meat. And as a result of this, you can’t take your eyes off of other people.

I hope this point is making some sense because it does make sense to me.

Last year, I was completely in love with my new house and this little parcel of land that comes along with it. I was not physically capable of doing much work and I was pretty happy to just sit and watch the field grow. Truthfully, you don’t really have to do very much work to have plants growing. God/nature hates bare ground and things will grow no matter what you do. In fact, if you’re pretty okay with having a food source like people who live in cities have food sources at the markets and such, you really can just sit and enjoy watching what nature does. And it’s a remarkable show.

But literally, the flesh eaters around me could not possibly allow themselves to let me sit in my field and watch the plants grow. They’re focus on my meat meant that they had whatever access to me they believed they were supposed to have. I’m talking about women here and you already get the local culture as far as that goes. This obsessive and lunatic level need to have control had them glomming onto me as if I was a top sirloin and it was half off night at the steakhouse.

But what they wanted was for me to be exactly like them. We’re not only talking about the difference between the sexes being ignored here, they wanted me to pay attention with the same unilateral obsessiveness that they were staring at me.

But I didn’t give a shit about them and I still don’t. Why are they my business? We are not family, we don’t share any business, I am not interested sexually in them and I don’t want their food, their house or to be responsible for their people or their money problems. Who are these horrible things? And covid. And whatever venereal disease they carry with them. Jesus, it was revolting. And the alcoholism!

But you see the conflict. It’s about eating meat. If you stop eating meat, the world will calm down. If you stop eating meat, your eyes will stop following meat. We are not carnivores. We may be economic carnivores, May a few people that I’m thinking of right now fall directly into Christian hell and burn for all eternity because of it, but we are not biological carnivores. We don’t have the teeth, the reflexes, the speed or musculature, jaw construction or digestive system for it. Meat is as bad for us as alcohol is and alcohol is very, very bad for us. You might think it’s a pretty funny drug, but try quitting drinking for a while and then go have a look at your friends and you’ll see what I see everyday. Egregious.

Yeah, I’m in danger of being forgotten. My ex neighbor called me yesterday to tell me that the government would provide me with a woman three times a week. God forbid I should not have a woman in my house. The head doctor at the hospital yesterday to whom I had been sent to handle the last bit of social medicine bureaucracy took great pity on me and then referred another female doctor a bit more locally to pay attention to me. Even Lana showed up and screamed at me over my fence yesterday for some attention. I get the feeling I’m missing out on something but for the life of me, I feel just fine about the situation exactly the way it is.

The moment the taxi that dropped me off yesterday rode away, silence returned to my life. Being forced to ride that god-awful minivan for 4 hours just to get to the Capitol and listen to massive traffic noise all day long and stare at sick people and doctors and physiotherapists and have to sit through all of this endless drama and noise and pollution and anger and unrest was absolute bloody misery. And if I opened my mouth, immediately the drama of my accent as an outsider raised the level of insanity around me. Nothing was possible, everything was insane, everything needed to be explained, everybody had to worry about everything in the world because of how absurd and brutal and horrific and murdering and bloodthirsty and poverty-stricken every fucking thing about human life is now.

And I still couldn’t lock my gate because I had to wait for the incredibly filthy smelling gas truck and the even worse smelling garbage truck. If it weren’t for the plastic that covers a lot of my food, I wouldn’t even need the garbage truck. I don’t buy stupid plastic products. I don’t spend my money on skin care products. I don’t create any garbage basically that’s not organic and everything that I create as garbage that is organic can just be fertilizer next year and help plants grow. Nature has a beautiful cycle if we just stop staring at the fucking meat! If we just stop running around like chickens with our heads cut off hysterically trying to find enough money to buy useless stuff that only chokes to landfills and ruins the air and the peace and the quiet and the water, we could all just chill out! 

We can make a culture out of taking it easy. We could just stop with the scientific advancements already because we don’t want to live a thousand years. We just want to live long enough so we can enjoy life. Take the money out of the fucking equation and believe me, people will be happy to leave. They will accept the circle of life when it comes because they’ll be at peace.

Anyway, just to tie up this thought, this week’s Torah portion is Tzav. I know I tend to remove a lot of the mysticism and cultural drama that goes along with the weekly Torah portions but to be secular about it, this week has more rules and specifically the rules for taking care of the Kohen, the priest. 

I mentioned before that you end up paying taxes for doing things wrong or for celebrating things that go well. Pretty much all of the emotional ups and downs of life end up costing you money and at least in the times being written of, this meant animal sacrifices. Or to put it really succinctly, every event in life needed a barbecue and you had to make sure that the priest got a plate.

I just don’t know what to say about this. I mean if you have a priest who’s eating a lot of meat, he is looking at all of the people he is supposed to be taking care of as if they are meat. He is like a shepherd and he’s deciding what to do with his flock, all of whom eventually exist entirely to feed him. Conflict of interest?

If you’re jewish, it’s not so difficult to see Christianity as anti-semitism. Said lightly, they just stole the concept from us and rebranded it as their own. I don’t think anybody would really care about this except they included anti-semitism along with the ticket so, we’ve been paying for the mistake of writing a book for millennia. I certainly understand that. I also feel I am being punished rather severely in life for taking the trouble to write things down. I get stolen from too all the time.

But what if the meat and the alcohol were essential problems in the equation right from the beginning? I’m not talking about absolute survival, I’m talking about the difference between understanding agriculture and the ability to raise and consume plant-based foods and relentless and ridiculous societal chaos. 

What if the original sin from the Garden of Eden was not an apple or a piece of fruit hanging in a tree but to actually kill and eat one of the animals roaming around in the garden? 

Whenever I think of a picture of the Garden of Eden I think of this one by Johann Wenzel Peter called Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden / Adam and Eve in the earthly paradise. It was painted in 1829.

I think what stuck with me in this picture is the lion. When I look at it right now, I can’t help thinking how ecologically clean everything is and how nice it would be to fearlessly be able to hang out at a beautiful clean River and just be naked with your girlfriend or boyfriend. And certainly, these guys have got a lot of pets.

Why is this picture so serene? And it is serenity. It’s Paradise after all so you’re not going to have a bunch of neurotic lunatic conflict in Paradise. That sort of stuff doesn’t fit the brand. I believe the answer is that there’s no fear. They are not afraid of the animals, in fact they don’t seem bothered by the presence of the animals in any way. Maybe that lion is looking around for something to kill but none of the animals that would typically end up to be meat for an obligate carnivore like a lion seem perturbed. It’s an interesting thought.

But the basic point is that they are not in need of each other. They do not see each other as meat. No one in this picture is behaving like a carnivore, economic or otherwise. Certainly our hero and heroine don’t need clothes. So there’s no fashion anxiety or money needed for more clothing. They are not trying to impress each other. He’s kind of sitting there lazily and she might be asking him to go climb a tree and get her an apple or something like that. Or maybe she just wants him to show him that trick that he can do with his penis again. She liked it the last time.

But that’s it. No conflict. No people staring at them hoping that they will be an economic solution to their problem. Nobody’s staring at them wondering if they will save them from their neurotic insanity. Nobody is looking around for something to suck for money. Even the carnivores are not particularly hungry. 

And certainly, there aren’t any rockets being fired from the neighboring country to fuck everything up and burn everything down and kick everybody out of their houses. Certainly, there are no oil wars in Paradise.

I just believe that the answer to the question is not to get drunk. I don’t think getting drunk and eating meat is the way to solve any of these problems. I think getting drunk and eating meat is how we perpetuate these problems.

Maybe it’s inherent in the Jewish religion that there be priests tending the flock. Maybe the idea of being a priest and having a flock to tend is what created Christianity. Maybe it’s just the bloody meat. What would the world be like today if we just fucking agreed that we are herbivores because we are. What if we just agreed to live like herbivores for a while. What if we just gave peace a chance and went back to live in the garden where it was safe and nice and quiet and clean.


It’s about 1:00 p.m. and I am sitting in the kitchen. I am not eating anything because I am absolutely not hungry. Breakfast was plenty big and I am plenty full still. 

I am crashed out here because I just came back from riding / walking to the store. I wanted to ride but ended up walking. The roads are so horrible. I understand that I live on a dirt road and that my dirt road connects to a service road but still, every time people drive their cars through here, and of course this is every day, they grind the already dead dessertified soil to sand. It’s like being on a beach and at any given moment all your forward progress is just taken away from you. I found myself screaming loud enough to hear an echo four times. Very frustrating.

I think what I’m going to have to do is either change the gearing on my bike or just agree that going to the store is a walk. If I ride to the train to go into town, this is the opposite direction and the road is less damaged. Literally it’s my chicken neighbors and their 20-year-old death machine that does in the roads. There are possibly two other cars in the opposite direction, but they are one in and one out a day and only the chicken neighbor is deranged enough to leave three or four times. Why don’t they just let this train wreck learn to live at home already?

On the positive side, I feel like I just hit the jackpot. Two grapefruits, two packages of oatmeal, a bottle of tomato sauce, three bags of roasted peanuts, a bag of dry split peas, a bottle of cooking oil and a kilogram of spaghetti. Oh, and an entire loaf of brown bread. How much? 25 rubles or in human money, $6.50. Does that sound like a good hall? 

When I wanted to buy the gas stove on credit, this was the reason why they made me pay cash. If they gave me credit and I needed to pay some amount of the $100 each month for 6 months, something like $17 or something like that now, if the currency falls, it could be $8 or $7 a month. Literally, my ex partner bought her apartment during one of these crashes. Whatever the initial cost of the apartment was in universal currency, and by the time she was one or two years into her mortgage, the house ended up costing about 5% of its value.

For a local or even for myself, these are the positives of yet another economic crisis. With global warming doing its thing to a larger extent in the North, economic crises here are even more common than rain. The problem though is not that we get a moment of really cheap carbs, the problem is The carpetbaggers that come in and take advantage of us. In fact, we have so many economic crises here, it seems as though somebody is taking payments to make them happen.

And let us not forget that the arrested opposition during the last election was one of the heads of gazpromBank, literally the people that push the button that starts our economic crises.

The West keeps hitting the people of Belarus with sanctions but tell me, with this type of voting track record, what makes you think people have a say in what happens here?

And seriously, I just heard that they are closing down Instagram in Russia. The reason is that there is a new law that says any information about what happens inside Russia that contradicts the official state line in any way is now considered fake news. For me, I thought it odd to see new pictures of Ukrainian beauties in their bathing suits. It’s not only odd because there’s a war in Ukraine, it’s also odd because it’s March. It’s way too cold to be in a bathing suit.

Nevertheless, they are getting canceled. Perhaps they can use a VPN or maybe they have that figured out as well. The only thing we do know for sure is that Vlad Putin is not really interested in people seeing what he’s doing, he’s just interested in remaining in the shadows where he’s comfortable.

I went to the store because I needed something for the weekend and because I was getting cold. I’ve said this a hundred times but there are three ways to keep warm in cold weather. You can move around and do some work, you can eat something hot or you can burn a lot of electricity or wood. It’s not really because of the crisis but I am cheap and I prefer to have the smallest carbon footprint I can. I do turn on the heater at night and I do light a fire when I’m done with the day but during the day, I try to move around and stay active.

I will admit that this is a pretty painful time for me. My legs are not really comfortable doing all this work that I’m doing. I am not a masochist so don’t think that’s what’s going on. But I do want to work my way through it so I am willing to handle a certain amount of pain. The crossroads of my desire to be useful and my ability to handle the pain though is what causes me to sit down. And it was one of those sit-downs that sent me pseudo bicycling to the store.

Before that, I made myself useful by opening up the gate, moving a bunch of grass out of the way and making a good clean road for the horse cart if and when they ever get here. As of this moment, it still hasn’t happened.

I also did something that I’m actually pretty proud of. I invented a way of making use of a two-man saw. I have two working handsaws right now and a pretty sharp two-man saw. What I did was to clamp to light pieces of wood together to hold the saw itself still. It tends to bite often and when it does it bends because it’s a saw. By clamping the wood to the top of the blade, it held the entire thing rigid and I was able to cut with the entire one meter blade section.

It was a bit of physical labor but I counted that I was able to take apart that entire tree that was buried in the road that I cleared yesterday in 30 minutes. I still haven’t split the logs yet but I felt pretty good about that. I have pictures of this. I was shooting pictures of both the saw and how many logs were appearing on the ground next to the saw horse and sending them off to my ex partner. I don’t think she understood what I was doing because the entire time I was showing her pictures of this tree getting taken apart, she kept screaming at me that I needed another person for the two-person saw.

I guess I didn’t.

But when the comedown from the end of all of that hand sawing hit, I was pretty cold and I was also pretty tired and my legs were plenty sore. That’s what led to the bicycle and the warmth from the bike ride and all of that screaming is what has led to this inclusion in today’s blog.

Other than that, I got a call from a friend who is once again thinking of moving to Europe. He is one of the more clever entrepreneurs I know and has always kept two jobs and sometimes three at the same time. He’s an IT professional and for a while he was responsible for keeping my computers going. In fact he was the builder of my big computer that is currently not being used because it’s in the cold room.

Just a story though. He always built my computer out of old junk that he had lying around. I’ve always had very fast computers but computers that have a very low monetary value for resale. Basically, there is no resale but the computers work and this has always been right up my alley. However, as a nuance, one year he was my student and was paying for the lessons by doing computer work. And it was amazing how my computer would break down exactly in the last week of the month right before he had to pay for his lessons. I never figured out how he managed to get my computers to crash exactly when he would otherwise pay money. But really, you have to give credit where credit is due and the guy’s got talent.

He is also almost unemployed right now. One of the companies has folded and the other was hit by sanctions and lost 80% of their money. I’m not supposed to talk about this really but my ex partners company is also suffering. Though they have been living on foreign contracts for at least a decade, right now their contracts with Poland and Germany look like they are not going to be renewed. They are also getting complaints about the money. The contracts are in dollars but usually they want some compensation for the value exchange. I mean, they are technically paying the workers 40% less, right?

Me, I don’t really have any variants. I don’t have any place to go, anybody offering me any place and I’ve got my own world pretty much nailed shut. I mean, this is a week’s worth of food supplements and it only cost 6 bucks? I know they could shoot me or give me problems because of my passport, but if you could live someplace, get to do a bunch of gardening, are free to say whatever shit comes to your mind on a public blog and it cost you a dollar a day, would you really complain?


Okay it’s 6:41 p.m. and I am done waiting for the shitwagon. The guy said that he would bring it and mumbled something about after lunch. I asked him how much money he wanted and he danced a bit and then when I pushed, he named the cost of a bottle of vodka. The absolute currency. You give me vodka and I’ll do something illegal for you. Or, I will serve a function of our community and put some fertilizer on your field so you can grow food better. But he didn’t show up for any reason anyone cares to sing about.

He left for a day and said he’d soon be back

I waited for him but he never came back

He said he had the shit I needed

He said I could use it well

He said he understood what this life was about

It’s an incessant endless hell

So for you I will work for a bottle

And I’ll leave and drink a toast to you

Good luck and good health you American fuck

We’ll drink vodka to the red white and blue

So no shit today. But I got some work in. Cutting up that tree with the two men saw was pretty cool. It did the job anyway and didn’t tear me up too bad. And though I haven’t done it yet, some of this tree is about to go in my fireplace to warm things up. So that was pretty cool.

And I took a walk out on my field today and I tried to see how much work it would be to do all this by myself. There is an instrument that I really want but just does not seem so common for the region. There’s a Russian name for it but it’s basically the flat blade of the Maddox but maybe a little wider. Truthfully, I’ve seen this in Chinese and Japanese films. I’ve also seen an Israeli use this tool interestingly enough. Great minds think alike. Maybe I’ll just call it a Chinese hoe or a Japanese hoe. Let’s call it an Asian hoe and whatever the real name is we’ll figure it out later. Or now. Why be lazy?

Basically, it’s one of these and on the internet, they simply call them Japanese garden hoes. I like it, it’s a very strong tool and it has a lot of possibilities to be subtle as well. But if you’re going to try and make the ground soft to make a garden bed, this seems to be the smartest instrument.

Other than that, I just wanted to say that there are incredible things that can be done over the internet. I mean, they say baseball is starting again so if you care, you can check out the scores. Actually, if you’re willing to dig for it and you have the correct IP address for universal theft, you can probably watch the game online in real time. If you’re willing to stay up for it.

Theoretically speaking, and maybe one evening we could solve all of the problems between us and everybody would be happy again. No, I’m not just talking about whether they are happy with me. I’m talking about theoretical friends and family now. I would bet dollars to donuts that they are just fucking miserable people and that they are miserable every minute of their fucking lives. Physical pain? Goes without saying. But how about massive neurosis. How about being under so much pressure you are ready to crack. How about all these thoughts of heroism or world domination. Aren’t we all so very proud of Mr ambition. Wouldn’t you just like to have an evenings fuck absolutely worth remembering for the rest of your life if you can have it. If you could have it. We’re not talking about porn. We’re talking about the best fuck of your life. Like you mean it. Like he might even put a baby in it. Like you might want to see that baby.

Because I think these people are wallowing in self-pity and covid paced lunacy and I bet they are all just going through every single day absolutely completely aware that life is shit. But they won’t talk to me. Not a single thought in their heads to ask my opinion. A lifetime of misery and nobody would ever think to call Adam and say hi just to see if it made them feel better to do so. Never a thought like that would ever even occur to them even to the death. Even to the death.

Well with this in mind, it occurs to me that nobody has to fly across any bloody oceans. We don’t really have to get involved deeply in each other’s lives physically. I mean even if I say that, I’m talking about some weird relatives and it would be pretty weird for them to be thinking of me sexually. I hope they take the rejection well. But I’m just saying, in real time we have a face and a voice and some eyes and some social interaction and by god, you could just have a darn good conversation over the internet.

I remember the last time but not the first time I ended up going back to the United States and I saw my friend’s nanny talking in Russian to her relatives in Ukraine all the time. Just to be nice to her, my friend had bought the biggest TV he could find so that the nannies’ people would seem like they were in the room with her. She needed money. She had to leave so she could find money and thank God she was working for my friend who was not anyone who would take advantage of you. God forgive him, he has a big heart.

This doesn’t make me particularly Russian though obviously, some of the culture must have rubbed off on me. I can’t man can’t live somewhere for 20 years without having some influence rub off on him. Not that it matters, but I could talk to people on Skype. I’ve been doing it for 20 years actually. No, less than 10 years but more than five. Because it was that internet teaching that eventually got me into translating independent journalists in Western rush for 5 years. And the team, if you want to think of it like a team, won the Nobel Peace Prize. I’m just saying that talking over the internet or even working over the internet is not an impossible thing to accomplish.

Just a 5-minute conversation. Maybe a 1 hour conversation. How long does this conversation have to be? And to what extent of perpetual involvement must we have? Christ, that’s pressure.

Okay, I’m not supposed to talk about this but I’ve been solving a lot of problems around my house and this problem solving thing kind of gets in your blood. I’m not going to talk about intimacies and I’m not going to draw you any pictures except I think I am. But I’m just going to suggest something, it’s just a technique for getting a job done. But I realized that the problem with, let’s say, giving someone a massage is that you don’t know when the damn things are going to end. I could say something about sexual technique right here but maybe I just did. Now you either have the heart of a lion and you’re just not going to quit until Hemingway lands his fish or you might kind of get tired of all the work after a while. And sometimes relationships get kind of real when you take the sex out of the relationship and have a look at this human being you’re living with. Honeymoons end, don’t they?

So when I practice guitar, sometimes I just like to improvise and what I do is I set an interval timer for a boxing three, and MMA 5 or a creative genius 6, I’m talking about minutes, and then I run a metronome and pick a key and try to play something nice. The thing about it is that it really has nothing to do with that deep love, totally drenched and I’m pissing myself because I can’t stand up anymore sort of inspiration. It’s not a feeling for Christ’s sake, it’s just coming up with something nice and listenable. There doesn’t have to be blood in it to be nice. Paul McCartney was a vegan or a vegetarian. He condescends to admit he eats cheese during times when he’s seriously selling again. And the Beatles had a big year this year, you have to admit that they went for broke on the Beatles catalog and won.

All You need is Love and love is all you need.

Yeah, maybe I’ll listen to Sergeant Pepper’s tonight.

What my point is that I tried putting a metronome and an interval timer on a nice massage. The woman sits at a desk all day and her shoulders get mighty tense. But it’s not endless slavery, I knew that I was going to do these shoulders for 6 minutes and then I was going to get a one and a half minute break and I believe the plan was for three rounds.

It’s just a little battle. A little sparring match. I feel the same way when I do guitar improvisations. It doesn’t have to be so damn dramatic every time, it’s just playing over chord changes and looking for melodies or something like that. It’s just music. And in this case, it’s just a nice massage. It’s just a nice gift to give someone you love. But I think it’s pretty cool because this ain’t for money but at least we both know how much work we’re going to do. It’s fair. It’s fair.

Now, can you give a massage over the internet? Well, you kind of can. You could do it with words or you could both just sit there rubbing your shoulders while you were talking. You could talk while doing yoga or rolling around on the floor on a ball. I used to take my Skype conversations with me on the bicycle. I took my dad for a bike ride many times and one time I walked my daughter all the way through this town.

We have the electronic tools to speak to each other understandably and even emotionally in real time. We can be with each other for a little bit and then we can break and go do something else. Basically, it’s a cup of coffee. My friend is looking for avenues to leave. I suggested a Business partnership because he said he was down on his luck. And he said thank you and I said don’t thank me yet, we haven’t made a penny. In fact, in theory, he was my tech business partner at Green 2021. We were ready to go to work.

My idea actually is how to put my fundamentals English class as a DIY homeschool thing. Maybe it’s an app. It’s just my basic idea on how to teach and learn English grammar and how to speak grammatically amazingly quickly. Actually, it’s not just speaking grammatically as if you’re showing someone something, it’s the fundamental creation of information that you share verbally in such a way that an English-speaking person completely and utterly understands your point of view. Gives you a good face when people know you tell the truth. It genuinely helps your chances in life when people believe that you know what you’re talking about. Or, you can do abstract gibberish but at least understand that it’s grammatical gibberish and therefore some people will believe that the Beatles are actually talking to them and other such lunacy like Donald Trump. 

You could talk like a completely insane Street person save for his Papa’s money. I mean, I don’t mean to go off on Donald Trump here but, the comment that I have made concerning my neighbors being one job away from being the same broken alcoholics we have roaming all over this town looking for something to do. Just one stroke of luck away from being a completely insane homeless person jabbering on about ridiculous things that only show that the man was not practicing government. Except in this modern Insanity shit that people think is the way the world is supposed to be run.

I’m going to get back to my point in a minute but you know I was talking about Lukashenko’s last speech. What the hell is so important with foreign trade? What the hell is this money that we are getting doing for us? I don’t see anything but that we’re all running around like a bunch of monkeys polluting the air with cars we can’t afford paying for people we don’t really respect in any real sense and yet this seems to be the way of life we’re supposed to live. Why? Is it making anyone happy? Are we actually happier and enjoying our lives more because some of us have some bullshit in our house that they put on Instagram? Are we so fucking happy now letting other people tell us what to do every moment of our lives? Didn’t you ever want to think for yourself?

Who gives a fuck about foreign trade except the oil business? If you going to sell something overseas, you got to waste a lot of fucking oil to send it there. They don’t need our food and we don’t need their food. Let people grow their own food, give the power to the regions and let people do agriculture to feed themselves and their friends and let’s cut down the war and let’s cut down the police abuse and let’s cut down on the time and money and energy that gets wasted for political celebrities to prance and dance and preen around the whole fucking world as if what they have to say matters to anyone. You’re a bunch of fucking bureaucrats responsible for the interest structure and nothing more. Facilitate our lives please. Please let us have the best life we can possibly have and stop licking Putin’s ass and let us live. It’s a fine piece of land. It doesn’t need to be raped and abused by Central intelligence. How much bread do we need to eat, let’s grow it times one and a half.

 Let’s talk about good health. Let’s talk about having our communities live healthy lives. How about we change our medical procedures to fit our actual abilities to sustain and support our medical community. Why don’t we stop tying the hands of our doctors and teachers and let them do whatever they need to do to get the job done. It’s not about foreign trade and it’s not about wearing shiny suits and it’s not about sitting here having your voice reverberate around the Great Hall, it just a fucking bureaucrat making sure that the infrastructure runs. And you should be more concerned with public health, quality of life and the best location for the best life we can give our people. And all the rest of this shit нахуй с ними. 

I really don’t think people care and I’m really tired of listening to Mr Putin. I’m tired of Vladimir Putin. I’ve had enough of him. I’ve had way too many years for any politician to be in anyone’s face. Move up or move on or go home and raise a garden or open a judo School, nobody gives a shit and nobody wants this fucking war. Tell Vlad Putin that the party’s over, put down the fucking vodka bottle and go the fuck home. Nobody needs to listen to this shit anymore. Let the world heal you sneaky thief fuck.

If you cared about the Russian people, they would be the gym of the world instead of what they are. You could have been a contender. You could have been a contender but you took a dive.

So what I’m saying is, we have this electronic possibility to communicate. And what else I noticed we have is an unbelievable amount of security concerning the money system. I am shocked at my ability, under normal circumstances, to participate in the world. If I say 50 bucks goes to this guy, that guy gets 50 bucks. It’s exactly like being in town and maybe I owe my ex partner some money that she laid out for something that I wanted. I don’t want her money so I pay her back. Boom, here’s your money back. We are even Steven. And you know what else, I can do that online, under normal circumstances. Put your finger on the phone tap tap tap tap tap tap money appears in someone else’s life.

Technically speaking, if I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t have to go into town every month and pay my bills at the info kiosk. This is a strange affectation of mine that I got in the habit of paying my bills by riding my bicycle over to the bank and working with an info kiosk. My money was on a credit card, I put it in the machine and tap tap tap tap tap tap money appeared at some other place where exactly it was expected to be. That’s like a miracle. The economic system is a miracle in how we can pay each other our debts. Tap tap tap tap tap and we are all friends again.

But if we have this amazing ability to communicate with each other and even send money to each other, where’s the vote? If technology has expanded to the enormity that it has, what’s with this voter suppression bullshit? Why is it that we ask people to miss work to vote but do not offer them a national holiday to do so? That doesn’t make a lot of sense? Oh and by the way, we also have all of these government people and police and security at the voting booth. Maybe in America you think that this is actually for your safety to protect you and your wealthy ass from whatever brown or black skinned demons might be after your way of life. Out here, I’m feeling the government. And in fact all that security here is more reminding you that you had better vote for the continuation of this security because all of these guys with guns standing at attention around you need this job and you know how important keeping your job is.

Harrowing. Frightening. Intimidating. Coercion. That’s the word I’m looking for. Coercion.





сдерживание силой






I’m saying we don’t need that. I don’t think I need to be coerced in any way. I don’t think I need to be played with and I don’t think other people should be sticking their fingers into my business. I don’t think other people should have any right to tell me what to do except in how it harms other people.

Ten commandments. Anybody need more than that? Don’t steal, leave your neighbors alone, don’t lie or cheat, don’t kill anybody or anything and be good to your mother and father. And like I said, my only nuance is that God equals nature and nature equals God. And this means we practice ecology every single day of our lives as if our lives depended on it and the lives of our neighbors. Perhaps being good citizens means not poisoning the town for your drugs.

You see, the internet has this intimacy about it you’re not it’s something that you can do in the privacy of your own home. But more so, look how much people do and use their time to keep Facebook going. Look how many hours and days of your life are spent sitting on the social networks or flipping Instagram pictures. God damn, we are addicted to our telephones. This little instrument right here in my hand is a remarkable tool or it is a crutch for a piece of shit life. I mean, what is your telephone a tool or a crutch?

Let’s say it’s a tool. Why don’t we call it a tool of voting. If the economic system is generally trustworthy, I think this means we could probably trust our vote. And I think if it is possible for an organization like Amazon or Facebook to keep separate information on millions upon millions of people, I say we already have the technology to vote and to begin to have a general vested interest in our communities.

I say it’s one of those obligatory apps that comes with every phone. I’m not talking about THX 1138. And I’m not talking about being coerced or lied to or having it be some placation from the central government. I’m talking about a genuine Democratic majority rules vote that can be used pretty much every day for really important things. You can have people put their ideas in the community page and you can have people put their ideas on a national and global scale. Why not? The technology already exists and generally people agree that these telephone things are important to us. It’s a tool or it’s a crutch. I say make this crutch a tool!

Because this is the real question going into Purim. If we actually voted, if we actually had an opinion that mattered and was fairly judged, we could ask ourselves a question, locally, nationally and globally: do we want this war in Ukraine?

The problem is not that we understand the result of this vote, locally and globally, it is the shrillness and filth of the people who say yes. The sleaze say yes. This sleaze that we don’t need anymore are the only ones that want this fucking war. This is not the Russo Ukraine war. This is the sleaze war. Lowercase.

She loves you yeah yeah, she loves you yeah yeah and with a love like that you know you should be glad. With a love like that, you know you should be… glad. Yeah yeah yeah yeah…

So getting down to the end of this, I’m going to take a short break, make a pot of tea, light a nice warm fire and I’m going to get ready to call this one a day. Just a second.


What is marijuana legislation in Ukraine?

Cannabis in Ukraine is illegal, but the country is in process to a legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. In April 2021, some THC- and CBD-containing drugs were approved for medical use (namely Dronabinol and Nabiximols).

Well that’s good enough for me. Now, if those two nice ladies from those two hospitals had the power of my medical marijuana card, I would be deeply involved with the medical profession. I might even do 5 minute MMA rounds on their shoulders because doctors get tired shoulders too. I’d even agree to have a lady from the state come out to clean my floors for me three times a week and keep me company while I tried to make sure that I was up to date with my medication. I’ve been known to be forgetful about such things and it would be paradise to have a woman to remind me to take my medication.

So, while we are giving our cancer remission a night off or easing the pressure from our glaucoma or just enjoying the freedom of movement from our arthritis, let’s think about the potential results of this war. So like, if the Russians win, they get to take over Ukraine. This is kind of like getting Trump to kiss your ass publicly for 4 years, even longer because he’s still doing it. It would be a victory of that sort but it wasn’t done through cleverness or manipulating mush headed social network fags, this is by pure violence and bloodshed as if that’s the only other alternative.

But what if the ukrainians win? Does zelinsky get Moscow? How about a vote? Whose face and voice do you want to listen to coming from Russia? Who do you want to run the place? Who would you rather have as the leader of the former Soviet Union? You really want to look at and listen to and look at the results of Vlad Putin or would you rather listen to Mr zelinsky.

This is a nuance that my non-russian speaking friends wouldn’t get, but zelinsky translated directly makes him Mr Green. Зелёный is the Russian word for green. Wouldn’t that be a bitch if the Russians were so coked up in the head that they didn’t think what they were doing and ended up losing the whole fucking thing to the ukrainians? While we’re voting, let’s give a thought to that for a minute. He got me with medical marijuana. You stop the war, I’m there.

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