
Monday, October 31st 2022

I guess this is Halloween. It’s a day that we are supposed to be frightened. Well, here is some frightening shit I found on the internet.

Psychological torture in Ukraine. This is a short piece from vice where a reporter goes into Ukraine to talk to people who have been amidst the war all year. It seems the weight put on people is more than most people could possibly bear. 

And it’s true for both sides. For the new conscripts seems absolutely ridiculous. Horrific living conditions, little or no food and apparently almost no organization. Just to stand around waiting to get killed.

This thought comes from many different places, enough to be believed. Here is one of those intercepted phone calls from the front. Apparently in the Russian army, they shoot you if you even try to go backwards…

And as an overview to see why life is so miserable for the Russian soldiers, today they broke the record for the most Russian deaths. Almost a thousand soldiers lost their lives in an attempted breakthrough move that was thwarted by artillery. And it was all in vain as there is still a standstill in the fighting. News from Kherson is that the Russians are pulling their artillery from the region, basically abandoning it ahead of whatever brutality they have planned. However in the North, Chechnyans are now in Belarus. It is possible a genuine attack is imminent.

And just one more for the Halloween celebration. I wish this was just a costume drama for a trick or treat but it’s not. Here is a brief look inside one of the most notorious Russian criminal housing facilities: Hitak prison

I suppose if there’s anything worse than death, it’s a death by the hands of your own people who blatantly and outwardly tell you you don’t matter at all while they take you away from your people, humiliate you, star of you and tell you you’re dead if you run away. Or, that you are so tightly controlled that the only way to get out of the situation is to die. Happy fucking Halloween.


Monday, October 31st 2022

I guess this is Halloween. It’s a day that we are supposed to be frightened. Well, here is some frightening shit I found on the internet.

Psychological torture in Ukraine. This is a short piece from vice where a reporter goes into Ukraine to talk to people who have been amidst the war all year. It seems the weight put on people is more than most people could possibly bear. 

And it’s true for both sides. For the new conscripts seems absolutely ridiculous. Horrific living conditions, little or no food and apparently almost no organization. Just to stand around waiting to get killed.


This thought comes from many different places, enough to be believed. Here is one of those intercepted phone calls from the front. Apparently in the Russian army, they shoot you if you even try to go backwards…

And as an overview to see why life is so miserable for the Russian soldiers, today they broke the record for the most Russian deaths. Almost a thousand soldiers lost their lives in an attempted breakthrough move that was thwarted by artillery. And it was all in vain as there is still a standstill in the fighting. News from Kherson is that the Russians are pulling their artillery from the region, basically abandoning it ahead of whatever brutality they have planned. However in the North, Chechnyans are now in Belarus. It is possible a genuine attack is imminent.

And just one more for the Halloween celebration. I wish this was just a costume drama for a trick or treat but it’s not. Here is a brief look inside one of the most notorious Russian criminal housing facilities: Hitak prison

I suppose if there’s anything worse than death, it’s a death by the hands of your own people who blatantly and outwardly tell you you don’t matter at all while they take you away from your people, humiliate you, star of you and tell you you’re dead if you run away. Or, that you are so tightly controlled that the only way to get out of the situation is to die. Happy fucking Halloween.


It’s about 3:45 a.m. on one of those sleepless nights. I don’t know why I cannot find the rhythm to close my eyes but I just can’t. Maybe there’s just too much weird energy in the world right now. Maybe it’s my body. Maybe I’m just really hungry.

I guess I didn’t think that through so clearly yesterday. I had a very nice breakfast. It was a no oil breakfast even without very much spices in it but it was very tasty. Not endlessly filling but tasty. Basically it was lentils, buckwheat and some potatoes. Nothing else special. 

Then my ex partner showed up and we started playing around outside. We were thinking of just taking it easy and maybe having an eating and drinking day but she’s a woman and she just likes to move. God help you if you live in the world with too many Christian women. You’ll probably never get to sleep.

So we planted the garlic, actually she mostly planted the garlic and then we both got involved with buttoning up everything to be buttoned up. We were moving materials where they needed to be. We brought fertilizer from the last of our pile, mostly she did, and then we picked the very last of our hay to cover that up. Honestly, the boxes look kind of beautiful when you have living plants and they are well mulched and fertilized. We have one box with nothing but a line of sugar beets growing. The beats were very tired and very slow to come up until we put down manure in Hay. In the couple of weeks since we did that, they’ve turned into prize agriculture. It’s kind of amazing really. I have great hopes for next year.

After that, we started picking up the last of the water barrel residue. Both the barrels and the pallets (a former fence) I needed to get indoors for the winter. After this we went after the gutters. We took down the tube that fed the water barrels and replaced them with an open end that will drop water on the field in inappropriate places to feed our garden. I still need to build up a trench that runs down next to our barn through the lower field. It has always been there but it needs to get built up a little bit and cleaned out.

It was a short day from my ex partner and she wanted to make sure she got home on the bus. It’s getting dark very early and she didn’t want to get caught out in the dark. I can’t blame her.

After this though for some reason, I didn’t make dinner. I don’t know why I didn’t. I really wasn’t that hungry. We had had some peanuts and apples and snacks and at the moment, I was okay without any additional food.

I just read for a while and waited for that last delivery from town. When that guy came, I was good to go but I still didn’t bother to eat anything else and just went straight to bed. I was cold actually and made a fire but then I woke up ridiculously early and I realized I was incredibly hungry. I guess this is why I was so cold last night. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before but vegan food will keep you very warm if you eat correctly.

I got up a little while ago but I still didn’t go eat anything. I don’t know why. I went online instead and found the most depressing things in the world happening. A thousand soldiers dying pointlessly in the mud in Ukraine and absolutely nobody gives a damn about any of them. The statistic ended up being confirmed simply because the Russians are obligated to pay compensation for the death of their conscripted soldiers.

How much compensation does Russia pay their dead soldiers?

“Patriotically-minded citizens are choosing to sign contracts for three or six months to take part in the special military operation,” Major Sergei Ardashev said, promising training for everyone. The minimum monthly wage on offer is 160,000 roubles ($2,700), which is almost three times the national average.

Vladimir Putin has publicly announced that the families of those die as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine will receive 41,228 euros in compensation, while those who are wounded will get 24,795 euros.

You tell me. Is it worth it? I am not quite convinced that the bureaucracy follows through in all cases. We have heard through various mediums that the soldiers are not particularly being paid either in full or on time. I can also imagine the bureaucracy simply failing in some cases or even arguments made against certain soldiers based upon their actual battle record. I’m saying this as someone who was refused medical Care and simply left out in the cold to suffer. True, they did offer to allow me to live in their hospital while I waited. You can blame me for refusing that generous offer of unlimited daily misery and confinement and a non-existent diet of shit.

I don’t know the actual number of Ukrainian deaths but the current number of human beings representing the Russian side who have lost their lives is coming close to 100,000. I’m not going to do any economic calculations because that’s not my point. 100,000 soldiers lost their lives fighting for Russia.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, 14 million people have lost their homes and been displaced. Tens of thousands of civilians have died. I guess I could go for the statistics on this.

What are the Ukrainian statistics in the war?

The basic breakdown says somewhere between 7000 civilians have lost their lives and up to 30,000 have been injured. The military has lost 61,000 men and another 50,000 have been injured. This puts the total death toll at 150,000 people.

So if you count the conscripts who have been forced into the fight against their will, the people who had the wherewithal to run away, the people who surrendered or injured themselves trying to get out of the fight and all of their families, how many lives have been ruined for Vladimir Putin’s ego? How many people have been made to suffer because of the whims of an old man so detached from reality and yet without the slightest ability to be questioned? How many people have to suffer globally to appease Vladimir Putin? How much misery is in the world right now because of Vladimir Putin?

The only fly in this ointment, the only flaw in this argument, is that Mr Putin blames the West for all of the miseries of his country and he’s probably right. The truth is that no matter what misery Mr Putin is inflicting on Ukraine right now, indeed it is the absolute truth that the United States has done exactly the same. If Russia is playing games with the media, so has the US. For that matter, historically speaking, so has Europe. Certainly, he is paranoid. Or, he’s not paranoid and he’s just making a giant ceremony which is probably leading to a remarkable crescendo. But yet no matter how insane and unnecessary all of this is, nothing he is doing is original. Everything’s been done before by the people he hates more than anything.

How many wars has the United States participated in since 1945?

The first irony I run into is seen in this screenshot. Apparently there’s a difference between something that is called a war and something that is called an armed conflict. I guess semantics is not something that was invented by the Russians.

It also seems that the United States has a very long history of fighting people with brown skin. The fighting seems to center on three areas. The US has a right to kill communists, Asians, Muslims, Africans and South Americans. For all of the hell waged upon the southern neighbors of the United States, the US seems to get along quite well with the white people in Canada.

The war seems pretty racist to me. And I only covered the years since World War II. I didn’t mention the 80 years of genocide practice against the American Indian.

I am not saying that I am in agreement with Mr Putin. I am only saying that I understand his point of view and that his point of view is not fantasy. It might be one of the most obvious things in the world that Ukraine would never invade Russia. It’s all so pure fantasy to say that satanists live there or that any of these remarks is anything less than pure anti-semitism. But what I’m saying is that outside of the United States, the US is hated and has been hated for a very long time for practicing the identical types of cruelty being practiced by the Russians. And the Russian people, at least in Moscow, are as oblivious to the realities as Americans are. And we are exactly talking about the same double sided news items, the same suppressions of opposition thinking, the same suppressions of a free press and exactly the same level of corruption and theft.

I am convinced that the only important subject that needs to be discussed on the planet Earth politically right now is ecology. It is my opinion that the job of every single professed leader is simply to make sure that all of their people are well fed and happy in their lives. The people who hold these so-called leadership positions are really nothing more than bureaucrats whose job is supposed to be the care and good use of public funds. I am not completely convinced that we need career leaders anymore. We have the power to communicate with each other globally at the click of a button, I am doing it right now almost effortlessly. 

There is no reason not to begin global Peace and global democracy and a global ideology to make sure everybody is okay and has the opportunity for a peaceful life. Well, a peaceful and responsible life with the knowledge that we only have one planet, we all come from this planet and we all eat the food that is available on this planet. And no matter how much you wish to believe in space travel and other science fiction, we know of no other place in the universe that we are suited to live. This is our one and only home and there will never be another. Everywhere else is suicide.

I don’t know what bullshit other than the oil business drove the Russians to require more land than they already have. I don’t know what other than money was the motivation to begin this war or any of the American wars. I don’t know what the necessity is to constantly murder each other. It seems that the world is incapable of anything but constant Hysteria and we do nothing to settle things down except murder each other.

How many days in the last 100 years has the world known peace?

War is defined as an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives. Has the world ever been at peace? Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. How many people have died in war?

Since the birth of the USA on July 4, 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, the country has been at war for 93% of its existence.

While trolling around in this search, I found that the USA was technically at peace for 31 years between the end of the war of 1812 and the Mexican-American War of 1846-48. If the USA right now is 246 years old, those 31 years would represent 12.6%. I don’t know what this does to any of this thinking but basically it means that we are never not at War.

What is my answer to all of this? I’m really hungry. I think I’m going to go make myself something to eat. I’m really tired of paying attention to all of this misery and sadness. I’m really tired of being forced into a role simply because I come from the United States. 

Today, before my ex partner showed up, two guys from town came up to the village to go hunting mushrooms. They happened to come walking past my gate when I was standing next to the front door. One guy without bothering to say hello simply looked at his friend and said “вот, наша американец.” Look, there is our American. No hello. No good morning. Not even a wave of the hand. Just an acknowledgment of an object as if I was some statue or monument.

At the same time, the last time I tried to make legitimate business contact with American friends, I was told that they cannot do business with me for fear of what will happen to them if someone finds out they did business with Belarus. I’ve had my money cut off because of being here. I’ve had a web server give away my information so that people could steal my identity. I’ve had relatives steal family money from me because I live here. I’ve had people literally afraid to even speak to me because I live here. Oh yeah, and I’ve had my vote canceled simply because I live here.

Yeah, I think I’m going to get up and get something to eat. Sitting here and reading the news is not doing a damn thing for my life. We just like killing so, so very much. We just never get enough blood to satisfy ourselves.


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